Delivery availability within 7 days of order on most of our products. See product pages for details.

NEW delivery truck, NEW crane and NEW printed dumpy bags

Lots of you have seen it out and about already this winter but our new truck and crane have been in action for the last few months now and have been working brilliantly for the most part.

Unfortunately our first Nissan had to go the distance earlier this year due to a blown head gasket, barely more than a month after we had fitted up the new electric hydraulic crane to it. We replaced it with a newer Nissan to hopefully see us through a good while longer. The body swap was as simple as we'd planned it to be, only having to undo a few bolts and bolt it back on to the new chassis to get us going again in the space of a few hours. Not quite an F1 pit stop but it was pretty quick!

Teething troubles with electrics on the crane have been resolved (touch wood) and the new truck is super reliable so far. Giving us the best chance of getting round all our lovely customers in a timely manner without undue delay!

Having the crane and its 3m of reach has given us the opportunity to offer a number of customers, the ability to take dumpy bags instead of barrow bags now that we can lift bags over walls and fences of up to 6ft high and in the process save them a little money! If you think this might now be an option for you, please get in touch for more details.

However in the process of our upgrades, we've had to sacrifice some of our trucks carry capacity, to rectify this we have made the decision to reduce our dumpy bag size to a slightly smaller 82x82x92cm bag giving a 0.6m3 volume rather than 0.7m3. This will allow us to maximise our delivery capacity and more importantly stay on the right side of the law! You will notice the reduced bag price on the store immediately to reflect this.

Secondly using the crane at full reach with our current bags is pushing the cranes working envelope to the brink of overload, so these new slightly lighter bags will allow us to ensure we can get your logs dropped off as close to your preferred location as we possibly can.

Therefore, effective immediately, all future dumpy bag orders will be fullfilled with our new Tees Valley Firewood branded bags. (Picture to follow) 

Please look after them for us between deliveries so we can give them a full and long lasting log delivery career!!

Thanks for reading!