Delivery availability within 7 days of order on most of our products. See product pages for details.


Yes, our logs are 'Ready to Burn' accredited by Woodsure, therefore they are ready to use immediately. They need no further seasoning or extended storage before you can burn them. Every batch of our logs are tested to ensure an average moisture content of even the knottiest, toughest, chunky log is below 20% and ready to burn. The vast majority of all logs we supply are below 15% moisture. Easy to light, with maximum heat output, low emissions and excellent longevity of burn

You can order via this website, email: or call/text/WhatsApp Steven on 07828214874. You can pay via card on the website, over the phone or to the driver on delivery. You can also arrange a bank transfer or pay cash on delivery to the driver. We do NOT accept cheques.

If your order is in stock and there is space in our delivery schedule it can be as soon as the same day, but usually it will be within 7 days depending on seasonal demand. We'll let you know if there are any unexpected delays where possible, but please check in with us if you want to. Of course when the weather is colder we recommend you don't leave it until you don't have anything left before ordering!

April-September we run a reduced delivery schedule of Monday, Thursday and Friday, so your order may take a little longer to get to you but hopefully the weather isn't bad enough for you to need to use your fire!

If your order is showing as 'in stock' it is already cut, in the process of being dried or in the drying schedule. Each drying cycle usually takes 5 days so it doesn't take us long to get to your order whatever it may be.

We will always try to contact you by phone/email at our earliest opportunity to arrange a suitable delivery time once the product is available. Please don't hesitate to call if you'd like an update or to arrange a delivery time before we get round to it.

When our dry and bagged stock is spoken for, but we have logs drying in the kiln, our website allows you to pre-order those logs.

The drying cycle usually takes 5 days depending on the starting moisture of the logs so most pre-orders will be ready for delivery within a working week to give us time to bag off the batch once dry.

Once we know the likely date of completion for the drying cycle we will try to contact you to arrange a delivery date as quickly as possible afterwards.

We don't have specific bookable slots via the website but we do welcome requests for specific date/time preferences. This gives us a starting point to build our routes around with other customers who have little or no preference.

You can add comments to your order at the time of your order with your preferences or call/text/whatsapp/email afterwards. We'll do our best to accommodate requests but we do very much appreciate any flexibility you can offer, it is very helpful especially during busy periods if we can just drop your bag off at the top of your drive when we're in the area. We'll still arrange a day for this though so you know what is happening.

To ensure the maximum amount of deliveries in one day we try to group them together by location. We deliver Monday to Friday and can arrange deliveries as early at 7 and as late as 6pm if required to fit around your work.

You don't have to be in when we deliver unless you want it putting somewhere secure like inside a garage for example, though you must have paid in advance for this of course.

Yes, you will!

We now operate a delivery routing system for our drivers that allows us to automate email notifications to customers once your order is booked into a route.

You'll get a 'Scheduled delivery' notification with a time slot when the route is booked in.

You'll get a 'Re-scheduled delivery' notification with a new ETA if anything significant changes within the route before it is despatched.

You'll get an 'Out for delivery' notification with an updated ETA once the driver starts his route and leaves the yard with your logs. You can then use the tracking code in the email to check the trucks location in Real-Time.

You'll get a further 'You're Next' notification once the delivery prior to yours is completed.

Please make sure our email is added to your friendly/accepted list on your email inbox so that you don't miss our notifications!

We deliver using a 3.5t Fuso truck, due to its forward control design it is very nimble for its size and there hasn't been a drive we can't get down since we bought it. The bags are then lifted off the truck with our Hydraulic Crane. It has almost 3 meters reach from the side or the back of the truck even with a full bag of logs attached. This allows us to put bags straight into garages with ease, we are also now able to lift bags over fences or walls of up to 5 foot high into gardens as long as we can get right next to the obstacle to obtain sufficient angle to lower to the floor.

Barrow bags are lifted off by hand and moved via sack barrow to their storage location for no extra charge.

Roughly 20 miles from our yard by road, a guide of our FREE delivery areas and minimum order can be found here.

We take it on a case by case basis. If your order is sufficiently large for the extra travel time we will consider it but would charge a fee outside of this area. Please contact us to enquire.

You need firelighters, kindling and dry logs. How much of each depends on the storage you have available and how much you plan on using your fire. A log store is ideal, but a garage or shed work great too as long as your logs stay dry.

It varies enormously between each user, but with average use of a few nights per week and the odd longer stint on a weekend a barrow bag should last more than 2 weeks, a large dumpy bag 6 weeks or more. But it's entirely down to how you use your fire.

Logs are kiln dried to ensure that the moisture in all the logs in a batch is below 20% but it is usually much lower at around 15% average. This guarantees the maximum heat output and efficiency of your wood burning appliance and also the lowest level of particulates out of your chimney.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could keep hold of and look after the log bag once empty so that we can reuse it. Apart from the plastic waste, not having to constantly replace bags is a significant cost saving to us and ultimately keeps the price down.

Our dumpy bags are a very handy 82x82x92cm bag. With a empty volume of 0.6m3 (rounded down) or 600litres may be easier to visualise perhaps.

You can check any competing suppliers bag size by measuring the length of the sides and height of the bag to calculate the bag volume. ie 0.82x0.82x0.92 = 0.62m3

We actually find that when we empty a bag into a solid sided vessel for checking volume that we actually get 0.7m3 in each of our bags but for fairness we quote the lesser amount.

Some other suppliers use bags another 15-20% smaller and still call them a dumpy bag so please be sure to be sure of actual sizes when making a price comparison.

Firewood should not be bought by weight. The heavier it is, the wetter it is and all you're doing is buying water if you buy by weight.

Wood should be sold by volume only, either a stacked volume in a crate or loose volume in a measured container such as a dumpy bag. The conversion figure from loose to stacked volume is roughly 0.7. For example, our 0.6m3 dumpy bags, when stacked, will fill approx 0.42m3 or nearly two wheelie bins. This should also help you estimate how much you need to order fill your log store.

Our logs our sourced from local woodland and forest, usually within 30 miles of our yard. Read HERE to find out more about why we have this sourcing policy and how it benefits the local economy and environment.

Support your local timber industry, active woodland management and environment by buying from us!

We also source our Eucalyptus logs from South Africa in support of some really important rural employment and environmental schemes.