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Dumpy bag of Virgin Woodchip for decorative or amenity use
Dumpy bag of Virgin Woodchip for decorative or amenity use
Dumpy bag of Virgin Woodchip for decorative or amenity use
Dumpy bag of Virgin Woodchip for decorative or amenity use
Dumpy bag of Virgin Woodchip for decorative or amenity use

Dumpy bag of Virgin Woodchip for decorative or amenity use

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Our standard dumpy bag full to bursting with virgin softwood roundwood chipped to G30 size woodchip (3-16mm diameter, 3-8.5cm long).

Ideal for paths or weed suppression in your garden or even a play area for children. 

Hardwood woodchips also now available!

Text or call to order either bags or tipper loads to check lead times. We usually chip every 6-8 weeks. It just depends where we are in that cycle.