Delivery availability within 7 days of order on most of our products. See product pages for details.

Quality, Consistently Dry Logs. Every Time.

We sell nothing less than top quality, consistently dry logs. If they're not dry and ready to burn they don't leave the yard, it's that simple. Lots of people have had bad experiences with wet logs and we have no intention whatsoever of any of our customers ever having to deal with that problem again!

In summer 2024 we invested heavily in a state of the art computer controlled kiln from Kiln Services Ltd. Nobody in the UK knows more about kiln drying firewood than this company having operated in this industry for over 50 years.

We can now absolutely guarantee a batch of perfectly dry logs every 5 days with this kiln, its proven incredibly efficient design, powered by our Froling woodchip boiler and soon to be installed solar array, gives us full control over the entire firewood process from harvesting source to log store!

We are fully 'Ready to Burn' compliant with all of our products, hardwood, softwood, mixed species and kindling.