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Barrow Bag of Pure Ash Wood Fired Oven Logs
Barrow Bag of Pure Ash Wood Fired Oven Logs
Barrow Bag of Pure Ash Wood Fired Oven Logs

Barrow Bag of Pure Ash Wood Fired Oven Logs

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Our barrow bag full of nothing but 8" Kiln Dried Ash logs, split to an average 80x80mm using our X blade processor. Absolutely perfect for woodfired pizza ovens or smaller wood burning stoves.

Dried down to below 15% to ensure the absolute minimum amount of spitting sparks so you get the perfect wood fired pizza!

We pick the straighter lengths of Ash to cut these from so you get easily splittable chunks, ideal for splitting down smaller if you need to for a smaller oven. Why not get one of our chopping blocks for best results when splitting.

Many local businesses, including Carl from Napoli Woodfired Pizza has been using these for a few years now with great success. Heres what he said...

Get yours ordered too and start cooking with wood!