Orders containing mixed hardwood have lead-times of around a fortnight currently.

Kiln Dried Oak
Kiln Dried Oak
Kiln Dried Oak
Kiln Dried Oak

Kiln Dried Oak

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Our 0.6m3* dumpy bag full to the brim of nothing but Kiln Dried Oak dried to approx 15% moisture and ready to burn immediately. Cut and split by ourselves to a standard 25cm length with our X blade splitter set at 100mm. This size of log will fit in the vast majority of current stoves or open fires without any extra work from you and give you a few smaller pieces also.

Now offering saw mill offcuts at a reduced cost, although they may vary in size compared to the main Oak product.

Other log lengths available by request (20cm, 30cm or 35cm), shorter and longer logs incur a surcharge for the extra work involved cutting, drying and storing them separately. As do the single species products for the same reason. We also try to store Oak for as long as possible once processed, ideally 6 months to aid the kiln process but we can still do it just as well in a rush. It just takes a little longer to coax the moisture out.

Although usage can vary hugely from customer to customer, generally we would expect this bag of logs to keep the average user warm through at least 8 weeks of British weather based on approx 10 hours usage per week. Some make it last all winter, others we see every month. We won't complain if we see you sooner though!

These bags contain a single species of hardwood, Oak. Cut from local, managed, estate woodlands employing local people and businesses.

Delivered free of charge to the majority of TS postcodes and a number of DL postcodes too. No bag deposit but we do ask that you make every effort to return the bag to us on our next visit to be refilled for the next customer.


*Bag volume is calculated by the bag dimensions when empty ie 82x82x92cm.