Orders containing mixed hardwood have lead-times of around a fortnight currently.

South African Eucalyptus Firewood
South African Eucalyptus Firewood
South African Eucalyptus Firewood
South African Eucalyptus Firewood
South African Eucalyptus Firewood
South African Eucalyptus Firewood

South African Eucalyptus Firewood

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Available for same week delivery!!

Sustainably sourced Eucalyptus hardwood logs packed in a 0.5m3 bag.

These incredibly dense hardwood logs provide a long, super hot burn with a higher energy output than any native UK timber.

Ready to burn certified to be below 20% (usually around 13%).

Naturally dried under the South African sun.

  • Firewood sourced from invasive alien Eucalyptus trees

  • High Energy Value of 5.2Mwh/T

  • Dried naturally to below 20% moisture


Proper Wood Products develops products from invasive alien plants in the Overberg region in the Western Cape, South Africa. This landscape is part of the Cape Floristic Region (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), the smallest of the six recognised floral kingdoms of the world. 

It is a highly threatened ecosystem with 70% of the plants, mostly associated with the Fynbos Biome, found nowhere else on the planet.

Invasive alien plants refer to plants brought to South Africa from other countries, and they are invasive because they spread rapidly and displace the indigenous trees and plants. This threatens biological diversity. Without natural enemies, they reproduce and spread very quickly, using significantly more water than indigenous plants. 

Invasive alien plants increase the amount of biomass in the surrounding environment by up to 300%, which means that they pose a significant fire risk.

Why import firewood from South Africa??

Our firewood addresses two major issues in South Africa: unemployment and environmental threats. By sourcing it from invasive alien plants, we provide long-term jobs for hundreds in the Overberg region, where unemployment reaches 49%.

Our firewood comes from invasive alien plants, helping to combat a significant environmental issue that threatens biodiversity. Approximately 60% of the Agulhas Plain is infested with these species.

During the 2018 drought in the Western Cape, Cape Town faced a "Day Zero" water crisis, with resources dropping below 15%. Invasive alien plants significantly contribute to this water security issue, as many local rivers supply the city’s water.

Invasive alien plants like Acacia, Eucalyptus, and Pine fuel destructive wildfires, increasing risks to lives and livelihoods. Reducing these plants can lower fire hazards significantly.

Deforestation of indigenous forests in Eastern Europe for firewood is unacceptable. In contrast, our firewood comes from invasive alien species, helping to mitigate the environmental threat to native plants in South Africa.