Orders containing mixed hardwood have lead-times of around a fortnight currently.

Tipper Trailer Load of Kiln Dried Logs
Tipper Trailer Load of Kiln Dried Logs
Tipper Trailer Load of Kiln Dried Logs
Tipper Trailer Load of Kiln Dried Logs
Tipper Trailer Load of Kiln Dried Logs
Tipper Trailer Load of Kiln Dried Logs

Tipper Trailer Load of Kiln Dried Logs

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Now available, tipped loads of logs!! Perfect for those with above average log usage and a large log store(s) to match. Buy in bulk loads to save money on our handling/bagging fees and keep your costs down. The logs will still be dried to well below 20% moisture and Woodsure 'Ready to Burn' accredited as with all our kiln dried products.

Using our pickup and trailer we can tip out a loose load of logs, dry and ready for you to stack in your store at your own convenience. 

Now available in a 'Half load' which is 2m3 (3 dumpy bags) or 4m3 in one 'Full Load', 6 dumpy bags worth. Available with free delivery within 10 miles for a 'Half load' and free delivery within our full delivery area for the 'full load'.

Please note pictures below currently show trailer in pre-side extension set up.

The logs in our tipped load will usually be a mixture of all or some of our hardwood species, depending on what we have been processing at the time. This could be Ash, Sycamore, Oak, Beech, Silver Birch, Cherry, Hawthorne or Elm. 

You can also specify a tipped load of softwood logs, Larch, Pine and Spruce.

To keep a consistent quality we still run these logs over our log cleaning system to remove all the dust and smashed up bark though some slithers and full sheets of bark will remain amongst the logs, but this is ideal for getting your fire started.

Access must be at least 7ft wide for the trailer and pickup to access in reverse. We cannot tip inside a building or garage lower than 12ft and the area must be solid and reasonably level. Please ensure you don't have overhead power lines within the desired area also. If you are at all unsure that your property does not meet these requirements please contact us directly before ordering.